Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Hello all –

My name is Michelle and I am on this fabulous internship in Italy with Guiliana Marple and Steve McCurdy. Just to let you know what happened the first few days in Italy since it is day nine now. Here is what has been going on. June 2nd we left for Italy and it was a pretty smooth flight over with the exception of one of the girls that had four connections just to get to Rome. I will let her tell you about that experience when she gets the chance to blog. Other than that we spent three days in Rome and did the tourist thing - visited the coliseum and the Trevi fountain et al…


After those first 3 days we then headed to our first location in Spoleto and started work. First day in Spoleto we just went to dinner since we didn’t arrive here in Spoleto till about 6pm, but as for the next day there was no hesitation as to when the work would start because we jumped right in to it. So every morning we have a production meeting to go over what we did the previous day as well as to what the plan is for the day. For that day we just pretty much learned about the equipment and scouted the area for places to shoot. That evening we had our first interview with a young store manager named Gianluca. He was amazing! The information and the food he prepared for us at lunch was absolutely fabulous, a great first interview.


The next day we had our morning meeting and then headed to Assisi and I just have to say the architecture there was bellisimo. We filmed and took pictures of the beautiful architecture. Once back in Spoleto we went over the day’s work and learned how to download the footage on to the computer. As for yesterday, Wed the 9th we decided to do what the Italians do and have a nap hour in between jobs. So we had our daily morning meeting and then we walked up to this beautiful church in Spoleto and we shot some footage there. We then came back and reviewed our footage from the previous day. Then it was the nap hours where most the stores and places in Italy shut down for 3 hours or so to go home have some lunch and maybe take a nap. I have to say it was nice to experience that but it was also hard to go back to work after the nap hour, which I believe is called “pausa.”


After that break we packed up the gear and headed to this really small town of Bevagna which has a population of about 3000 people. The really cool thing I thought about Bevagna was that it was flat and for a medieval town in Italy that is sort of rare because it made that place seem really easy to conquer; however, historically they had a pretty great arsenal, so they managed to protect their city. In the next few days here Bevagna is supposed to host a notorious medieval festival. During the celebration, the whole town gets dressed up for the occasion and there will be flag throwers and just the whole deal. I mainly want to see the flag throwers but the festival itself would just be amazing. Well that is pretty much what we did yesterday and I can’t wait to see what we do today. As for now I guess I’ll say what the Italians say when they say goodbye, which is Arrivederci!

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